Friday 15 April 2011

Christ's Hospital

THIS is a blog about the former pupils and staff of Christ's Hospital.

Why, you ask, do I feel the need to proclaim this, when the subtitle at the top of the page already covers the ground quite adequately?

Because the subtitle doesn't show up on Google Blog Search.

If you do a blog search on "christ's hospital" you get page after page of hits on blogs that have far less to do with CH than this one.

Being a stern, masterful, nemo me impune lacessit sort of person, this is not a situation I'm prepared to see continue.

With any luck this posting will hit the spot and boost Houseyblog up the Google rankings.

If not, that sound you'll hear will be me sobbing pathetically inside a cardboard box.

Thank you. Normal service will now resume…



Yes! A mere fifteen minutes after publication, this post is #11 on Google Blog Search for "christ's hospital"! Result.

Chris Blewett said...

You are now 5th!!!


Isn't it great? I ask no more of life.

Chris Blewett said...

Then your wish has been granted.......and you've been moved up to 2nd!!! This is fantastic!!